Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Killer Struckxured - Karjat's Cave

This time we have a story for you based on "Karjat's Cave"

It is lost in isolation, once we had a [night] party there and it

has a small lake next to it, soon I was playing some twisted psy music,

and began with our perpetual poppins and soon i could see fire,

smoke and stars but we had double visions and could move anything

we want, we went inside the cave and saw ; it looked exactly like

the cover of this deviant mix, we tripped on music till the wee

hrs and while leaving after sunrise I hear from the nearby villagers

that night a little girl was drowned in the lake, also they have

told many come N trip and jump in the lake to swim but get drowned.

hence this is dedicated to those who lost their souls in trip at

"Karjat's Cave"...........Rest In Peace.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.